@ 5:28:00 PM
Common Test finally over! :D This whole week had been sleeping very late, cos have to study for the papers. Hope that all the effort pays off! Got back chinese today. Not good! =(
Planning to sleep for the next few days for the weekends! Cos super tired out.
But.. Mid-year begans on 27 April! So fast! =(
Maybe put that on hold first. Rest is important arh! =)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ 7:18:00 PM
Aiyo. Tomorrow got AMaths and Bio Common Test, which is going to be so so so (to the power to n) hard, and I am still here. Cos my sis using mah, so dun bian a while lor. Aiyo, the raindow I saw just was super big and nice! :D Hahas. Too big le so I combine 2 photos together.
Go for dinner now! Later still must study this 2 hard subjects! D:
Stress increases the secretion of adrenaline!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 4:21:00 PM
Sian. Today's AMaths test is super hard can. I dont like trigo! Dont know why while practing the questions from textbook still can do, but during exam totally blank diao. Total got 4 questions. When I first receive the paper (total 22marks, 35 minutes), I totally stunned diao. First 2 questions already dont know how to do liao leh. Then did question 3, which was on R-formulae. And that was the only question I was confident of. 7/22. Question 4 think very long then finally got some kind of inspiration and scribbled something on the sheet of paper. Totally got no idea how to solve the first 2 questions. In the end false prove. This is so bad. =( What happened to me? This feeling was a lot worse than the first class test in Sec 2, when Ms Wong sort of bombarded us with some funny and weird algebric questions, and I failed that test. Was totally sian diao when I only managed to solve one question at first. =( Bad. What should I do? Somebody help me in trigo! =( Totally sian diao. Spent at least 3 hours on Maths each day since Sat and turn out to be like that.
Friday still got ting xie. So sian. And she only told us today. Where got time to study? And homework are adding on the list. =( Next week is Common Test. Have yet to start any revision leh. =( Sian.
Somebody help me get back the feeling of it!
Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 3:42:00 PM
我的妻子因为意外事故离开我身边已经四年了,我想,妻子留下不会做任何家事的我和孩子,她的心有何等难过呢?我也因为无法兼顾父母双亲的角色而感到挫折。有一天我为了出差,清晨赶出门,无法将孩子打点好就得离开家,正巧前一天有剩下的饭,我热了蒸蛋,向还没有睡醒的孩子交代一声,就出门去了。为了照顾好孩子饮食三餐的事,我也无力把自己的工作做好。有一天晚上回到家,我只是很简短地和孩子打个招呼,就因为身体疲累,不想吃晚餐,脱掉西装之后就直接往床上躺下。就在那个时候,砰的一声,红色的汤汁跟方便面瞬时弄脏了床单和被单,原来有碗方便面在棉被里!这小子真是的,说时迟那时快,我即时拿起一个衣架,跑出去,往正玩着玩具的儿子的屁股就打,因为我实在是太生气了,所以不停地打他。但就在这个时候,他边啜泣边说了一段话,使我停了下来。儿子告诉我说:「饭锅里的饭早上已经吃完了,晚餐在幼儿园吃了,但是到了晚上,爸爸还不回来,我就在橱柜的抽屉里找到了方便面。可是我想到爸爸说不能乱动煤气灶,所以我就打开洗澡的水龙头,用热水泡了方便面,一个自己吃,另一个想留给爸爸吃。因为怕方便面凉掉,所以我就把它放在棉被里,等你回来。可是因为我正在玩向朋友借来的玩具,所以忘了跟爸爸讲。」我不想让儿子看到我在流泪,所以冲到洗手间,将水龙头打开,大声地哭。过了一阵子之后,我打起精神来,一面哄着儿子,一面也在他屁股上擦药,让他上床睡觉。当我清理好方便面弄脏的床单和棉被后,打开儿子的房门一看,发现他仍旧发出哭泣声,手里还拿着妈妈的照片。我把头靠在房门站了许久,看着这一幕。自从在一年前发生这件事之后,我为了扮演好妈妈的角色,更加用心地去照顾他。现在儿子快七岁了,不久后就要从幼儿园毕业,进入小学读书。庆幸的是,儿子在这段时间毫无阴影,很开朗地成长。就在不久前,我再一次打孩子,因为幼儿园来电话说,儿子没有去学校,我心里觉得很不安,所以早退回家,在整个社区里大声地喊他的名字,却是遍寻不着。后来在文具店的门口,看见他站在电玩的前面,于是我很生气,又开始一直打他。儿子并没有说出任何的解释,只说了声对不起。后来我才知道,原来刚好是幼儿园要邀请妈妈去看才艺表演的日子。发生这些事的几天后,儿子回家说,他在幼稚园里学了写字,从此他经常关在自己的房间里不出来,很认真地写字。我看到儿子这个样子,想到妻子在天国也一定会因为看到他这样而微笑,我就无法忍住泪水。时间很快,又过了一年,到了冬天,街头上都在播放着圣诞节的歌曲,我的儿子却又闯了一个祸。我正要下班的时候,接到一通社区邮局的电话,说我儿子把一捆没有写地址的信,恶作剧地放在邮筒里。每年到了年底,正是邮局最忙碌的时候,所以这对他们造成很大的困扰。虽然我已决定不再打孩子,但在急忙赶回家后,叫了儿子来,我又忍不住痛打他一顿。儿子这一次只是说他做错了,却没有讲出任何理由。我把他推到一个角落,不管了,自个儿跑到邮局领回那一捆恶作剧的信。我把信丢到他眼前说:「你为什么要这样恶作剧?」儿子哭着回答说:「这些信是我要寄给妈妈的。」当时我的眼眶红了起来,心里很激动,但是因为在儿子面前,所以我尽量隐忍住没有表现出来。我接着问他:「那么,为什么一次寄这么多信呢?」儿子回答说:「以前我要把信投进去的时候,因为个儿太矮,所以没办法投入,但是最近我再去邮筒时,已经构得到了,所以我就把以前没有寄的,一次全部都投进入了。」我听了以后,心中一片茫然,不知道该对孩子说什么话。过了不久以后,我就跟他说:「妈妈现在在天上,以后你写完信,把信烧了,就能送到天国去。」等孩子睡着之后,我到外面烧了那些信。我很好奇到底孩子想跟妈妈说些什么,所以读了其中的几封信。而当中有一封信搅动了我的心。 「亲爱的妈妈:我很想念你!妈妈,今天在幼儿园有才艺表演,但是因为我没有妈妈,所以没有去参加,我也没有告诉爸爸,怕爸爸会想念妈妈。爸爸到处去找我,但我为了让爸爸看到我很开心的样子,所以故意坐在电动玩具面前,虽然爸爸骂我,但是我到最后也没有告诉他原因。妈妈,我每天都看到爸爸因为想念妈妈而哭泣,我想爸爸也跟我一样,很想念妈妈吧!但是,妈,我现在已经记不清楚你的脸。妈妈,请你让我在梦中,再一次能够看到你的脸,好吗?听说把想念的人的照片放在怀里睡觉,就会梦到那个人。可是,妈妈,为什么你没有出现在我的梦里呢?」 读完这封信以后,我就开始嚎啕大哭。到底什么时候,我才能填补妻子的空位呢?
Friday, February 13, 2009 @ 5:29:00 PM
On the first note,
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!Haha. Wishing everyone an early Happy Valentine's Day! :D Today is Friday the 13th! O.O Missed my usual 184 this morning, so ended up reaching school at around 7.20am? My latest time to reach school since Sec 1! Haha. Nothing much happened in school recently, except for tests. And there are more coming up next week, which are 2 AMaths test, Geog test and BIO SPA EXAM! BIO SPA EXAM very important you know! O level leh. Hahas.
Today was mostly on giving and receving sweets and chocolates. Erm. Chem lesson today was fun! :D Random. Like nothing to post for this week leh. Let me think. Erm. Arh. Mrs BLim coming back to school next week? Heard about this fact, but not sure is it true or not. Common Test next next week! Havent start revising yet! Very bad. =( This weekend also got plenty of homework and stuff to complete.
Today very hazy. Yesterday very hot. My fringe flying cos the fan is beside me. Next week got emergency exercise. Nothing much to post. -.-
Monday, February 9, 2009 @ 1:49:00 PM
100th post! Spent some time to do the picture above just now. I think it is nice! :D Okay, I should be happy. But I am not. =( Very moody today, especially this morning.
The whole of yesterday do AMaths until I want to cry. Not because that they are touching, but it is so diffcult that I am solve around 50% of it. ='( Bad. Called Yixie and he managed to a handful of them. Weijia also completed the proving questions except 1 part, which was very good already. Arh. Somebody help me in AMaths! I very bad in proving questions, and trigo! So this made things worse! =( Anyway I still to thank Yixie and Weijia for all that and your encouragement! Thanks! =)
Had a weird dream on Friday night. Dreamt of Mrs BLim in the staff room, marking our books. Very random right. Ya, I also know. Anyway, when I told Mayee that this morning, she said that she dreamt of her too. O.O Mayee dreamt of Mrs BLim teaching in class, some dont know what topic, and then was PE, when she forgotten to bring her PE shorts. Funny dreams.
还是比较习惯用华语打字!=) 发现我的华语水平退步了许多哦。那要怎么做呢?多看书?我也不懂耶。而我的英文水平也是遭透了。=( 为什么初院的 GP 没有华文的?哈哈。发现这几个月总是听广播。是用来疏解压力吗,还是是一种消遣活动?要谢谢YES 933!哈哈。
Sunday, February 8, 2009 @ 11:33:00 AM
I am back! :D Hahas. Talking to Daniel on msn now! Cos it had been ages since I see him on msn! LoL. I very zi-high now!! :D I also dont know why. :D Cos Daniel feels that way too! Just now my sis says that she wants to check her email, and she went to
http://www.email.com/. =.= I was like - wow - so interesting. Never hear before that is the url to check hotmail emails. Hahas.
This week got a lot of things to be done! I was trying to start ME13 yesterday and ended up dont know how to do almost everything! =( Worse is that the whole of qtn 5 is proving. FROM A TO H!! That is very bad Weijie! =( Then I sms-ed Wan Chun to seek her help, but she said she didnt bring back her textbook. After which I called Yixie, and his dad says that he went swimming! O.o Okay. So I called Weijia. Then she said I was stressing her. Where got? I told her (him(BAD GUY)) that the whole of qtn 5 dont know how to do lar.
Despite the fact that I cant get started on ME13,
I completed my RE1 - Standard Devation! :D :D :D I am so happy over that! Did that till 12mn on Friday. Or rather, the 1st minute of Saturday. Then went to have supper with my parents at 12mn! :D Hahas. Ate till 1230mn then went home to sleep! Very fattening (is there such a word?) arh. Hahas.
Mrs Chiang sent me the email about doing the proposal on Friday night! The poster but be completed by next week, if I am not wrong. And then there is still EMaths test on Chpt 5! Zzzz. Aiya, never mind lah. Maybe Tuesday then revise. LoL.
Friday, February 6, 2009 @ 6:07:00 PM
Finally this week ended! :D All the tests squeezed in this week, so sian.
Yesterday went to NUS to presentation the project! :D Took a cab there from Nan Hua at 0900. It was super expensive. $5+ for 1.5km? Hahas. Yixie and I then went to return the Bioloid set. I miss it now. How? Hahas. Then went to the holding room at Level 1 and waited. It wasnt very long lah. After around 10minutes the person-in-charge there told us to go to the presentation room at Level 2. Okay. And then Yixie began to present! I think we did relativly well! Hahas. =) The questions asked by the judges are still managable. And we need to use more in-depth words! After which was still qute early, went to the canteen there to have recess! Hahas. Cos the presentation was expected to end at 1030, but it ended at 1000. After having our recess there, we took cab back to Nan Hua. 1.8km for $3++? While we were alighting from the cab, Kuanlian was giving us the very confused look, and she was asking, "Both of you come to school late is it?" Hahas. And after school yesterday went to find Mrs Sim for my SS test. In the staff room! Hahas. Despite the fact that the staff room was rather cold, I was sweating. Why? Cos I was too nervous.
Today's timetable was "GREAT". Chinese test before recess, Chem test after recess, then Bio SPA, which ate into lunch, and Physics SPA. WoW. Mr Teoh completed Chpt 13 today! And he started a new topic, chpt 10. Then next Thursday got EMaths test on chpt 5, and next next Monday got AMaths test on chpt 11 and 12. Tests again! =( Nothing much during Geog lesson. Then was Chinese test! Some of the meaning given was a bit weird arh. Then after recess was Chem test! MCQ was rather tricky, I would say. Structured was still okay. After that was Bio SPA. Enzyme actions. Then it was super funny during Physics!!! :D :D The pigeon hole joke! Haha! :D Mr Pandian was like saying he doesnt have a pigeon hole, cos he dont own pigeons! So why did Kelvin put our worksheet there and got some funny pigeons who go and eat up our worksheets! Hahas. Then Kelvin become very depressed lah. And finally Mr Pandian said he took the worksheet, cos he was just trying to scare Kelvin. And the whole class burst out laughing! :D I think it would be really great if all the lessons are so funny! :D :D He began lessons on a new chapter, electricity. And I am very bad at electricity. Cos sec 2 physics got all this emf and voltmeter stuff which I totally dont understand. =( After a simple introduction to the topic, we went to Chem lab for our Physics SPA. I came out half-way to meet the SKY students at the conference room. Mrs Chiang was asking me to "scare" them about the JTDP project. Haha. Which I didnt.
Super tired out this week! Got a lot of times nearly KO in class. And during lessons somemore. Arh! I need rest! I think I will sleep a lot this weekend! Cos Monday school ends early too! 1030am! But it seems that this weekend got a lot of things to do leh... So how? Aiya, sleep first then say lah! :D
Monday, February 2, 2009 @ 5:09:00 PM
HEADACHE! Argh. Had qutie a bad headache since this morning, just before the first lesson, English, started. Then I almost feel like sleeping during Chinese, not because that the lesson is boring, but because I am really very tired!!
Intended to spent last Saturday doing homework and Sunday revising for tests. In the end Sunday no mood, so never study for any test. O.o
I havent study for the SS, Chem and Chinese test! Arh!! Okay, super super super to the power of n stressed! Then the timetable for Common Test 1 out somemore!! O.O I dont know what now. Panic? Wait for something to happen? Burn the books to drink? I dont know!